Tuesday 20 April 2010

Hi readers:

Today I am going to present the sumary of the Movie project.

One day,one girl is listening to music on a bench .Suddenly a thief appears and he steals the girl's bag. The girl gets scared and she starts shouting. A man who is walking along the street sees everything and he starts running behind the thief. While the man is running, the girl calls to the police.The man catches the thief and they start figthing. The police come and they take the thief to the police station. Finally, the man finds the bag on the floor, and he brings it to the girl.

Friday 15 January 2010

TXINDOKI: a paradise for mountain lovers.

Txindoki or Larrunarri is an iconic mountain (1,346 m) located in the region of goierri , gipuzkoa, in the Basque country. Originally Larrunarri or Ñañarri, the mount took on the popularized name Txindoki  by extension after some shepherd huts nearby. It is sometimes referred to as the Basque Matterhorm too, because of its pyramidal shape. 

The main and most popular access point is from the neighbourhood Larraitz.Another option consists of starting off from Larraitz with a view to ascending through the northern wild valley of Muitze, unknown to most hikers.


The Best IKT Teacher OF the World

This person that is call Larraitz, it's the best teacher that we have got it ever. Because she helps to everyone and it's a very nice teacher and we learnt a lot of things about English and we improved a lot in English and we have all improved as a person because of you. Besides, you give us a fantastic time we never forget you. Thanks for all you done this days with us and we promise that we're going to be good as students with the next teacher and We'd love to come and give us a visit.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


HI readers ,

Today I m going to speak about Christmas.

Christmas Day is an annual holiday which is celebrated on December 25. This festivity commemorates the birth of Jesus.

In New York for instance, there are spectacular displays of fireworks and big multitudinous celebrations, where hundreds of thousands of people pack Times Square on 31 December at midnight for the count down. On 1 January it is a holiday and major parades in some cities are held, like the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. However, in the Basque Country they celebrate the new year by eating 12 grapes and then we have a fantastic time drinking with friends in night.

In the Basque Country we celebrate Christmas like this:
-"Olentzero" is traditional ,it is like Sant claus in America.
-On 24 of Decenber young people go to houses to sing.
-On 25 the tradition is a family lunch and opening the presents Olentzero has brought us.
-Also the last day of the year and the first day of the new year are celebrated with the family.
-On 5 of January Basque children get the visit of the The Three Magi .

Finally, I m goin to write a traditional song in the Basque Country :

HAtor, Hator, mutil etxera
gastaiñak zimelak jatera,
gabon gaba ospatutzeko
aitaren ta amaren ondoan,
ikusiko dok aita barrezka,
ama be poz atseginez.
Eragoik, mutil, aurreko tambolin orri,
gaztainak erre artean (bis) txipli txapla pum!
Gabon gaba pozik igaro daigun.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Monday 2 November 2009

Article about a friend

Hi readers :

Today I’m going to speak about B.A.

B.A. is a student of Laskorain Ikastola and he is 14 years old and he leaves in Tolosa (Gipuzkoa).I can say that is very sportsmen because he likes the basketball.
His favourite basketball team is caja laboral basconia and in football times his favourite is Real sociedad.Also he climbs a lot of mountains and the biggest mountain that he climbs is Perdigero and it haves 3222. His favourite subject is physical education and with that we can say that is very sportsmen.
He also likes the music, he plays the percussion and his favourites musical groups are Berri txarrak, Betagarri, Gabezin, Vendetta.He likes the blue color and also he likes to read and his favourites books are the collection of Harry Potter.
When we speak about  tv programns we can said that his favourites  are Wazemank and Hospital central .
He doesn't matter in what season hi lives because he likes the 4th and also he likes the night.
To finish with this we can say that his favourite number is the 14.


Friday 30 October 2009

Hi students.
In this report I am going to speak in general about ska.
Ska is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s.Ska combines elements of Caribbean mento and calypso. In the early 1960s, ska was the dominant music genre of Jamaica and was popular with British moods. Later it became popular with many skinheads
Ska combines drums, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, electric guitar, bass and singer.
Drum: A drum set is a collection of drums, cymbals and sometimes other percussion instruments.
Saxophone:  The Saxophone is   considered a member of the woodwind family. Saxophones are usually made of   brass and are played with a single-redd mouthpiece similar to that of the clarinet.
Trombone: The trombone is a musical instrument of brass family. Like all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player’s vibrating lips.
Trumpet: The trumpet is a musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instrument, dating back to at least 1500 BC.  
Bass:  The electric bass guitar also called electric bass, or simply bass. Is a stringer instrument played primarily with the fingers or by using a plectrum.
Electric guitar: An electric guitar is a guitar that uses pickups   to convert the vibration into an electrical current, which is made louder with an instrument amplifier.  
And to finish with the reporter I’m going to put a ska song.
I like very mach the ska music and I stay in a lot of ska concerts. Apart of this I can say that I play the trumpet and also know a bit of saxophone.
In my opinion ska is the vest music style because I motivate a lot and is very easy to dance.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

What we have done in 3 days?

Welcome to the izetanotebook. I am Iñigo Izeta and I have created this blog to use it as a notebook and also to use like a normal blog. What have we done in 3 days?The fist day we answered some questions to know how we use the computer.The second day we made a gmail acount and the last day we created our own blog.